To read up on ALL bills proposed for the 2024 Legislative session, click here.

Read up on a summary of all of the proposed bills for the 2024 Legislative Session that concern our elections.  One bill not included is HJR 5001 because, thankfully, it was killed in committee yesterday (1/16/24).  *Thank you to Nichole Braithwait/Rushmore Americans out of Lawrence County for doing this!*

Senate Bill 13

Title: revise the process for nominating candidates for lieutenant governor.
Looks like some folks got nervous when the grassroots backed Steve Haugaard.
Call your Reps and ask them to vote NO or amend the bill.
As written this gives the Governor the power to pick the Lt Gov but we will NOT know who that person is until after the primaries (in August).
We need to know this info before casting our vote for Governor in the primaries.

HCR 6001

House Concurrent Resolution 6001
Title: Supporting the Electoral College.
Progress on this is looking good. Send a note to your legislators to support this.
States like Minnesota passed a bill where all of their electoral votes will go to the candidate who wins the popular vote even if their voters chose the other candidate.
Example: Minnesota votes Trump but the popular vote in the country went to Corn Pop. Minnesota will award all 10 of their electoral college votes to Corn Pop.

Senate Bill 48

Title: provide for the disclosure of a cast vote record and ballot images as a public record and declare an emergency.
IF you are not caught up with the CVR saga that has been taking place over the past 3 years her in SD, you can read about that here:…/vindi…
So now all of a sudden the SOS wants to disclose CVRs…or does she?
This bill has this line inserted: Nothing in this section may be construed to require the person in charge of the election to capture the cast vote record or ballot images.
This is completely AGAINST FEDERAL LAW. According to the EAC, machines that are in use MUST capture CVR/Ballot image and that information is election material and must be held for 22 months before being destroyed. The SOS has accepted Federal HAVA funds and must follow these rules. The EAC requires CVRs and the State adopted this EAC requirement. CVRs exist by default on the machines and have been required since 2005…and the huge majority of auditors have no idea about this. The CVRs are part of the audit trail of an election and if an auditor does not have them, they are out of compliance by not maintaining Federal election material which is a FELONY!
This bill is not yet scheduled. Keep an eye out if you would like to testify.
Groups or individuals wanting to testify before the committee via remote means or submit a digital handout or written testimony may submit their request and/or materials to [email protected]

Senate Bill 20

Title: establish the crime of threatening or intimidating an election official or election worker and declare an emergency.
Section 1. That chapter 22-11be amended with a NEW SECTION:
Any person who, directly or indirectly, utters or addresses any threat or intimidation to an election official or election worker with the intent to improperly influence an election is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
On the surface, protecting people is always a good idea. The problem with this bill is that it DIRECTLY goes against protections of free speech. Interference in our elections is already a crime. We have a right to petition our government and FREE SPEECH is paramount and esteemed in both the US Constitution and the SD State Constitution. There are poll watchers in South Dakota who reported being physically pushed out of rooms during past elections. Our grassroots election integrity group provided volunteers valuable information at past elections with information on the laws. Many auditors had no idea and thanked organizers for bringing the information to light for them.
Anyone paying attention knows that the Federal government and the uniparty have labeled those seeking election reform and the truth as domestic terrorists. This type of bill is popping up in legislatures all over the country and the information is coming from the National Association of Secretary of States and from the Federal level, including CISA.
CISA has already been PROVEN to have censored us, spied on us and now they want to charge us with crimes and put us in jail.
Scheduled for hearing:
Committee: Senate State Affairs Room: Room 414 Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2024 Time: 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Groups or individuals wanting to testify before the committee via remote means or submit a digital handout or written testimony may submit their request and/or materials to [email protected]

Senate Bill 17

Title: modify the residency requirements for voter registration and declare an emergency.
Pay attention to Section 2: Section 2. of this Act applies retroactively to any person who registers to vote on or after July 1, 2023. ALSO, why is this an emergency?
Some discussion on this bill with folks involved in election integrity efforts around the state is that this backdating to July 2023 is to hide corruption taking place with illegal voters at (People’s Mailbox) PMBs.
We have a PMB right here in Spearfish:
There is a very large one in Box Elder:
Over 6000 new voter registrations have occurred in SD recently. In just one year the PMB in Spearfish added 593 new voters.
This bill was deferred to a later date within committee. Once it is scheduled, anybody interested in testifying can coordinate via the email address listed below, 24 hours prior.
Groups or individuals wanting to testify before the committee via remote means or submit a digital handout or written testimony may submit their request and/or materials to [email protected]