Written by Julie Korth on bills being heard this week:
We have lots of key bills being heard THIS WEEK! Please email ASAP and let your representatives know where you stand!
When emailing on the below issues, make sure to put your own email address in the “To” line and copy and paste all of the representatives’ emails in the “BCC” line! This makes sure each representative receives their own email and gives it a greater chance of being read and getting a response! Also make sure to address it generically as “Representative” or “Senator” depending on who you’re emailing! Lastly, don’t forget to ask how they plan to vote! If you get a response, please forward it to [email protected] or text at 605-391-5953. Legislative email addresses are attached to this email as well.
HJR5001 A Joint Resolution, Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, requiring all non-judicial offices elected by a statewide vote to be nominated at a primary election. It is being heard in House State Affairs on 1/17 at 7:45am. Email the entire House and ask them to vote NO!
See attached email from the Pennington County GOP explaining why this is a terrible resolution! Also from Stu Cvrk:
If anything, this bill is worse than SB 40. It guts the Convention by removing key incentives to attend, demoralizes Republican Party officials throughout the state, depresses grass roots GOP activism, and will likely allow moderates and independents to choose future Republican nominees (if not part of the resolution, a likely mod to it!). The Bon Homme County Executive Board strongly encourages you to urge the State Executive Board to caucus immediately and develop a strategy to defeat this resolution, including efforts to hold the sponsors accountable if they insist on moving it forward.
Please advise on any actions taken.
SB20 Establish the crime of threatening or intimidating an election official or election worker and declare an emergency. It is being heard in Senate State Affairs on 1/17 at 10am. Email the entire Senate and ask them to vote NO! Free speech isn’t a crime, election interference is!
HB1002 Requires all 11th graders to take the ACT. It is being heard in House Education on Friday morning at 7:45-9:45am. Killed in committee!
HB1022 Make an appropriation to the Department of Education to provide professional development in literacy to teachers. This bill would make an appropriation to the Department of Education to provide professional development in literacy. It’s going to help bring back phonics into the schools. The Secretary of Education, Dr. Graves has brought this bill and has this program set up. We should support him and get it Passed! It is being heard in House Education on 1/17 at 7:45am. Email the entire House to tell them to vote YES!
HB1072 Establish qualifications for members of the Board of Education Standards. This would load the State Board up with teachers and administrators. This will give state control of education over to the unions. The foxes guarding the henhouse! It is being heard in House Education on 1/17 at 7:45am Email the House Education Committee to tell them to vote NO!
Medical Freedom
A cluster of bad bills turns state control of licensure of healthcare professionals over to regional boards. These are called Interstate Licensure Compacts. These boards will be able to change rules to suit their ideology and thus control these key people: Nurses, Counselors, Social Workers, & Psychologists. If you don’t conform, you lose your license! WE MUST STOP THIS DANGEROUS POWER GRAB!
HB1012 Adopt the interstate counseling licensure compact and revise educational requirements to comply with the compact.
HB1013 Adopt the advanced practice registered nurse compact.
HB1017 Adopt the psychology interjurisdictional licensure compact.
All 3 bills are being heard in the House Health and Human Services Committee on 1/16 at 7:45am. Email the House HHS and tell them to vote NO!
HB1015 Adopt the social work licensure compact. Deferred to another day in the House, waiting to be scheduled. Email the entire House and tell them to vote NO!
HB1001 Repeals the expiration of a reduction in certain gross receipts and use tax rates. Passed the House! Email the entire Senate to tell them to vote YES! (Waiting to be scheduled in the Senate.)
From the SD Freedom Caucus:
In 2023, our state legislature made a significant move by lowering the general sales tax rate from 4.5% to 4.2%, set to revert in 2027. However, with House Bill 1001, introduced by Representative Karr, we have a golden opportunity to remove this sunset clause and make this tax cut a permanent feature for all South Dakotans. The Department of Revenue has been working tirelessly under Governor Kristi Noem’s guidance to implement this relief. Their efforts are a testament to our shared commitment to ensuring that while other states may be increasing taxes, South Dakota is dedicated to lessening the financial burden on its residents. This is where you come in! Your voice matters. Reach out to your legislators and express your support for House Bill 1001. Let them know how important it is to have permanent tax reductions in our state. Your action can significantly influence this bill’s passage, ensuring a more prosperous future for all