FACEBOOK REMOVES THIS STORY from my pages, both public and private. So there must be some truth to the story, if the “Global  Masters” wish to hide this story. Interestingly, my family lineage comes from Mecklenburg (East Germany) which was once a part of the former Country of Pommern which today would include – Germany, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Sweden, the Baltic States. If I am correct, the Ancient Israelite Tribe of Dan led to establishing this area of Europe, of which they were later conjoined by the HOUSE OF ZARAH of whom were the early Christians, and one of the House’s of the Tribe of Judah. This is an interesting history that is seemingly being hidden from the Facebook gods. 
This is a Three-Part Trilogy of Ancient Israel, the Formation of New Zion, and the Formation of the American Form of Government Today
Early Scottish-Irish, German Settlers Become First Organized County to Declare Independence
Beginning in the 1730’s, descendants of Irish-Scots, and German Immigrants traveled south along the Great Wagon Road, of which stretched from Pennsylvania extending into Virginia, and through the Shenandoah Valley, where these settlers further utilized the Great Indian Trading Pathway that begun in Petersburg, Virginia, and led into the Piedmont area of North Carolina, present day Mecklenburg County. Until then, early English settlements were all along the coastal plains, but this new group of settlers began to come down from the north, to escape some of the tighter controls of Great Britain, to colonize the Piedmont Region, nestled along the eastern edges of the Application Mountain range. 

The Scot-Irish, or Ulster Scots, were descendants of Scots who had moved to Northern Ireland. They had prospered in Ireland until changes in English policies led many to migrate to America, where most settled in Pennsylvania. They began to arrive in North Carolina in the 1730s, leaving Pennsylvania after crops were harvested in the fall and arriving in the Piedmont in time to plant winter crops and seedlings that they brought with them.

These settlers would soon be conjoined by German-Lutheran Settlers, to whom would migrate into the Piedmont Region for many of the same reasons the Ulster-Scots did years earlier, to escape religious persecution during the Protestant Revolution, of whom were joined also by the Moravians of Germany, when fifteen Moravian Brethren arrived after walking from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, of whom together would form a community of which the Moravians constructed more than 75 buildings during the first 20 years of the settlement’s existence.
All this was taking place between 1763-1783, during the American Revolutionary Period, to which many of these early American Migrants began standing up to Great Britain, and the King, of which this colony residing in Mecklenburg County (N.C) are thought of, as to adopting the first Declaration, to which is thought of, as being known as the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, to which has been questioned, but may have been better known as the Mecklenburg Resolves. 
If this is true, this is first hand evidence of the Ulster-Scots and German Lutherans of being the first to swear their allegiance to the House of God, and bestow in themselves, a renowned faith in their religion, by denouncing the British Monarchy. 
On May 31, 1775, in the Charlotte, Winston-Salem area of the Piedmont Region, these early Americans stood up, and denounced the British throne, to which they adopted their Declaration of Independence, to which became legally known as the Mecklenburg Resolves. 
At a meeting in Charlotte organized by Thomas Polk, they helped to fire a spirit of independence, these resolutions became a bold set of Anti-British resolutions, to which began to spread all throughout the Northeastern Territory all throughout the colonies. 
On March 31, 1775, this group of Ulster-Scots, German Lutherans, and the Moravians, under the direction of Thomas Polk, organized a political committee of elders, to which would begin to discuss, draft, and write a list of Resolutions, to which would become the Mecklenburg County Declaration of Independence. 
These resolutions became a very radical set of demands, to which denied the authority of Parliament over the colonies and investing that power in the Provincial Congress, of which was meeting that very week in New Bern. In the absence of an operational new government, the resolutions set up some basic tenets, to which anyone who received or exercised a commission from the Crown was deemed an “enemy to his country” and subject to arrest. The county’s militia companies were ordered to arm themselves and maintain vigilance.

The Mecklenburg Resolves were published in full in the North Carolina Gazette of June 16, 1775, and received wide circulation. Royal Governor Josiah Martin wrote on June 30 that the resolution “surpass all the horrid and treasonable publications that the inflammatory spirits of this Continent have yet produced.” Richard Cogdell wrote that the resolutions “exceed all other committees, or the Congress itself.” Samuel Johnston on June 27 wrote that “Tom Polk, too, is raising a very pretty spirit in the back country and that “he has gone a little farther than I would have chosen to have gone, but perhaps no farther than is necessary.”

Thanks to this group of people in the Piedmont Region of North Carolina, many other Americans began to take note, and used the same process, and organization to stand up, and declare their demands, and resolutions to which eventually lead to July 4, 1776, whereas members of the Continental Congress finally drafted, and adopted the Declaration of National Independence. 

According to Wikipedia, The Mecklenburg County Regiment was authorized on May 31, 1775 by the Province of North Carolina Congress. From November 7, 1779 until the 3rd Quarter of 1780, it was called the 1st Mecklenburg County Regiment when a 2nd Mecklenburg County Regiment existed. The 1st Mecklenburg County regiment was engaged in 39 known battles and skirmishes against the British during the American Revolution in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia between 1776 and 1781. It was active until the end of the war. 

While the story of the Ulster-Scots and the German Lutherans are widely known, it’s the story of the Moravians until now that is widely told, of which traced their roots to Jan Hus, martyred in 1415, 100 years before Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation.  

The Moravians’ denomination was almost wiped out during the religious wars of the 1600s. After their rebirth under Zinzendorf’s leadership, they became the first Protestant missionaries. In the 1730s Moravian societies were established in Holland, England and Denmark, as well as such far away places as Greenland, Surinam, Zanzibar and in the American colonies. Their first mission in the British Colonies was in Savannah, but they eventually traveled north to Pennsylvania where the church had bought two tracts of land. They founded Nazareth and Bethlehem and as those towns prospered, the Brethren wanted to expand in the colonies, eventually purchased almost 100,000 acres owned by Lord Granville along the banks of Muddy Creek in Piedmont North Carolina. The land on which we are now encamped seems to me to have been reserved by the Lord for the Brethren. -August Gottlieb Spangenberg. January 8, 1753.”

Historically speaking, it would be these Group of Men and Women, of whom have ties to Judah, and the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel, to whom established Ulster in Northern Ireland, to whom was a part of the United Kingdom which was England and Scotland. Many of these Ulsters can trace their lineage to the remnants to the Tribe of Judah, and of the Clan of Zarah, or the House of Zarah, to whom Zarah was the twin brother to Pharez.
This seemingly biblical prophecy is coming true, as we find in 1 Chronicles 17:1-17proclaims that God made a promise to the Tribe of Ephraim, that he will plant their seed in a new land.
Beginning in 900 A.D, the Viking of whose ancestry can be traced to the Tribe of Dan – the people of Ireland, Denmark, Scotland, Germany, Sweden, Poland, the Baltic States began coming to the North American Continent, then after Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492, it began a movement led by a Tribal People coming from England, Ireland, France, Germany, Spain. It is believed that many members of the House of Zarah, eventually migrated to Northern England, residing in Scotland, and later migrating to Northern Ireland, during the Protestant Revolution, to forming, and establish the Colony of Ulster. You literally see the Israelite Tribes, quickly uniting, in Western Europe, to which, it would be this Lineage of People, to whom would come to the North American Continent, staking their ties to the land, settling the land, and establishing the early foundations to what became the United States of America.
If this is all true, then the United States has become New Zion, the promised land given to the Tribe of Ephraim, as stated in 1 Chronicles 17:1-17, of whom traces their lineage to Jacobs 11th son, Joseph, who was sold into slavery, bondage in Egypt, and it became God’s instructions to the Tribe of Ephraim, was that they would become New Zion, to which would work to watchover, protect, and defend the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel, while the 2 Houses of Judah come back together again, recreating the Nation of Israel.
America today, has become God’s New Covenant made to the Israelites, to which they will all one day be united, and to whom the United States of America has stood strong on it’s Christian principles in large part, grounded on morality, and religious liberty, and has become a country, to which has become the Preservation, the Protector, and Defender of the Nation of Israel.
Each of the 50 State’s can trace their lineage at some point to these same, iconic people, to whom God locked them out of the City of David, allowing for a Foreign Nation to destroy their Jewish Temple, to which today the Edomites, Ishmaelites, Palistinans, have built their shrines – the Muslim Mosque today sits on the very spot of the former Temple, and the Dome of the Rock sits on the higher portion of Mt. Zion, the place of the Roman Fort Antonia, and while the City of David sits beneath a pile of earth, rubble, and destruction.
Is it a wonder why the United States has remained today, a culture of free, independent, and sovereign people, heavily grounded in their beliefs, morality, enabling them to remain free of religious persecution? Look at what is occuring today:

The Seven (7) Periods of the Holy Prophecy Leading to the Jubilee 
1990 to 1997 the Birth of the New World Order 
1998 to 2005 the Rise of the Neocon Movement 2
2006 to 2013 the Rise of the Tea Party Movement 
2014 to 2021 The Birth of the Patriot Movement 
2022 to 2029 The Trials and Tribulation 
2030 to 2037 The Restoration of the American Republic
2038 to 2040 The Second Coming of Jesus, Renowned Faith, the Jubilee
The Current State of Israel Today, is NOT the Same as the Nation of Israel as Established by the Ancient Israelite Tribes
Yesterday, the Israeli Government sent their Consulate to visit with the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce and Sioux Falls City Council to discuss ‘trade relations’ between Israeli businesses and the People of the Sioux Empire. Lost in all the political hoopla considering the state of politics – we have to also understand that Americans do stand with the 12 Tribes of Israel. We may not agree with the current political landscape of the current “State of Israel” but we must stand in defense of the Nation of Israel as in terms to the people of the bible, to which formed the basis of “One Nation Under God” to which we draw upon, our christian and moral foundation. If America today is “New Zion”, then the 50 States are the Confederation of State Republics under the House of God to which work to guide the world towards a more peaceful end goal.

The current State of Israel is a Nation of many people bound to the three Abrahamic Faiths – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, first established in 1948 as a British led colony, to which the Citizens of Israel are british by dissent, proclaiming their allegiance to the Zionist Political Movement to Establish a Homeland to those people bound to that movement – British Born Christians, Muslims, and Jews.

We are not referring today to the 12 Tribes of Israel, for they have not come back to Israel today, they are residing and have Sworn themselves to the United States Constitution, to which they founded.

1 Chronicles 17:1-17, proclaims that God made a promise to the Tribe of Ephraim, that he will plant their seed in a new land.

Beginning in 900 A.D, the Viking of whose ancestry can be traced to the Tribe of Dan – the people of Ireland, Denmark, Scotland, Germany, Sweden, Poland, the Baltic States began coming to the North American Continent, then after Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492, it began a movement led by a Tribal People coming from England, Ireland, France, Germany, Spain.

Of these people, beginning in 1620, the Pilgrims, of who were of a Group of Separatists, leaving the English Church, arrived and Declared their Allegiance to the Lord God Almighty, to whom promised to them, that he will plant them in a “land” of which they are to be free from Religious Persecution, to which they adopted their First two Living Documents…


IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the first Colony in the northern Parts of Virginia; Do by these Presents, solemnly and mutually, in the Presence of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid: And by Virtue hereof do enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions, and Officers, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general Good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due Submission and Obedience.  IN WITNESS whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape-Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, Anno Domini; 1620. – Signed on November 11, 1620 in Provincetown Harbor

This group of people led the movement, to lay down the foundation to what would eventually become the United States of America, and would play a huge role in establishing many of the colonies, to which helped shape the country bound to Christianity and Morality, to which would form the basis to the future State Declarations, Proclamations, and Constitutions.
WIth them, they had carried a land patent given to them by King James, of England, to settle, and claim land in Virginia. However, because they first landed in a totally separate area, today referred to as New England, the patent had no authority, and that meant they were free to establish for themselves, their own liberty, to claim, settle, and reside upon free land. 
Within a year, they adopted, and signed the Wampanoag Treaty, becoming a agreement to which they signed in their honor, and on behalf of King James, in which both parties promised to not “doe hurt” to one another, agreeing to the language, which reads as follows – if a Wampanoag broke the peace, he would be sent to Plymouth for punishment; if a colonist broke the law, he would likewise be sent to the Wampanoags. Thus, it allowed the Pilgrims to establish their Plymouth Colony, living peacefully, and fairly with the Native Americans, to which they began to develop America’s first official trade compacts between them. 
Over the ensuing years, from 1650 to 1750, more settlers arrived within the American colonies, to which the Ulster Scots began to arrive, working with, and collectively with the earlier settlers, now, fast preparing to push to separate from the monarchy itself. 
These immigrants were from North Ireland, and like the pilgrims before them, of which, most were the descendants of Scots Presbyterians who had left the Lowlands of Scotland during the plantation period to find a new life in the north of Ireland. This group of people, to whom had resided in Ireland, had married into, and became married to these planter families, of whom were of English descent, were predominantly Scot Presbyterian, to whom arrived in the New World they became the pioneers and frontiersmen of early American life.
It would be this group of scottsmen, and women, who gave rise to future generations, of whom would become future Presidents of the United States of America beginning in 1791, and would invent, and establish the American public education system, as well as establishing the first, of many American newspapers, providing to early Americans, the of becoming an educated, and informative society, to whom allowed them to form their early ties to freedom of the press, which allows them to self-govern. 
In 1776, it would be this group of people to which would stand up, in defense of liberty, and thanks to Professor, James G. Leyburn, would be quoted as saying, “They provided some of the best fighters in the American army. Indeed there were those who held the Scots-Irish responsible for the war itself”.  This means, that the Ulster Scots were very much associated with the early Americans declaring their sovereignty, by forming, drafting the very words to which would become the Declaration of Independence – to which they became very much responsible for the Revolutionary War itself, which began to transpire between 1763, and finally ending with brokering the Treaty of Paris, in the year 1783. 

The original document is in the handwriting of an Ulster Scot, Charles Thompson, who was secretary of the Congress and who was born in Maghera. It was first printed by an Ulster Scot, John Dunlap of Strabane. It was first read in public by the son of an Ulster Scot, Colonel John Nixon. The first signature on it was that of John Hancock, president of the Congress, whose ancestors came from County Down, and at least seven of the other signatories were of Ulster Scots extraction, and was product of a  previous document, known as the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, of which was first adopted by a convention of Ulster Scots which met in North Carolina on 31 May 1775.

The turning point in the war was the Battle of King’s Mountain in South Carolina on 7 October 1780. A body of American militiamen defeated a British force twice its size and took 1,000 prisoners. The five colonels in the American force were all Presbyterian elders of Ulster stock and their men were of the same race and faith, shortly thereafter, the Paris Treaty. 
Historically speaking, it would be these Group of Men and Women, of whom have ties to Judah, and the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel, to whom established Ulster in Northern Ireland, to whom was a part of the United Kingdom which was England and Scotland. Many of these Ulsters can trace their lineage to the remnants to the Tribe of Judah, and of the Clan of Zarah, or the House of Zarah, to whom Zarah was the twin brother to Pharez. 
Why is this important – Judah was one of the 12 children of Jacob, to whom he was the twin brother to Esau, both the sons of Isaac, to whom held the original birthright claim to father many nations to which would become known as Israel. 
 We all know the story, Abraham had led his tribe from Haran, a city in modern day Turkey, by migrating to the Land of Canaan. He would give birth to Isaac, who then gives birth to Esau and Jacob, to which the birthright was transferred to Jacob, who today is known as Israel, to whom had 12 children, to which Judah was his forth, and most loyal son, to whom gave birth to twin sons – Pharez and Zarah. 
Why is this important, because from these two Houses, Jesus would be born of the House of Pharez, and the followers of Jesus would be born of the House of Zarah, to whom today became the early Christians, to whom the Ulster-Scots claim their lineage. 
When Rome conquered, and destroyed the City of David, destroying the Jewish Temple in 70 A.D, the remaining residents of the House of Pharez migrates to Southwest Asia, the land between the Black Sea and Caspian Seas, while the residents of the House of Zarah would migrate to the Southern Coastline of Europe, helping to establish Spain, Italy, Greece, and Turkey. 
While the Tribe of Dan, more than 1,000 years earlier, had migrated and populated the northern coastline of Europe, helping to establish the countries of Ireland, Scotland, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Sweden, and the Baltic States giving birth to the Goelics and the Vikings to whom would later on, help plant their seeds in Ireland, and later on the North America Continent. 
It is believed that many members of the House of Zarah, eventually migrated to Northern England, residing in Scotland, and later migrating to Northern Ireland, during the Protestant Revolution, to forming, and establish the Colony of Ulster. You literally see the Israelite Tribes, quickly uniting, in Western Europe. 
It would be this Lineage of People, to whom would come to the North American Continent, staking their ties to the land, settling the land, and establishing the early foundations to what became the United States of America.

If this is all true, then the United States has become New Zion, the promised land given to the Tribe of Ephraim, as stated in 1 Chronicles 17:1-17, of whom traces their lineage to Jacobs 11th son, Joseph, who was sold into slavery, bondage in Egypt. 

God’s instructions to the Tribe of Ephraim, was that they would become New Zion, to which would work to watchover, protect, and defend the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel, while the 2 Houses of Judah come back together again, recreating the Nation of Israel.
If this is all true, and America today is really New Zion, then what today is the current “State of Israel”  – it is, and was established by Great Britain, as a British Zionist State, giving to the Jews their own homeland. But there is one problem? 
God locked out the Jews from the City of David, he allowed a Foreign Nation, Rome, to conquer the Kingdom of Judah, because they had broken the Covenant made between God and the Israelites. This leads to Rome demolishing the Jewish Temple, replacing it with the Temple of Jupiter, a pagan temple, while allowing the Edomites, Ishmaelites, and Arab Tribes to take claim to the area today, to whom builds the Dome of the Rock on the higher portion of Mt. Zion, overlooking today, the Islamic Mosque. This means, like in the example of Adam and Eve being locked out of the Garden of Eden, never to return, today, the “Jews” have been locked out, never to return to the City of David in the future. 
If this is true, then God’s Promise remains today with the Tribe of Ephraim, and if the 10 Tribes of Israel are today in America, then the 2 Houses of Judah today are the United States and Russia, to whom are watching over, protecting, and defending the Tribe of Judah – the jews, enabling them to unite with the other Tribes of Israel. 
So we must be careful, as we begin to develop Trade Contracts with the Current State of Israel, as it will lead to tensions in the Middle East, to whom the Arabs, Ishmaelites, and Edomites have resided in, and called the Land of Canaan home since 70 A.D.
If this is all true, then there is one more piece to this puzzle, and it involves one more major trade partner in the area today – Egypt. You see, even as the 12 Tribes of Israel settled, and resided in the Land of Canaan between 3000 B.C.E and 70 A.D, Egypt had always laid claims to the land, governing over all major trade contracts in the Land of Canaan. To which, many different people had settled, and resided in the area – the Irabians, the Ancient Philistines, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Edomites, the Israelites, to yes, the Ishmaelites themselves.

Today, so many different people have called the Land of Canaan home at one time or another, but this did not change the fact that the land had always been governed by Egypt, to whom had built a massive “trade route” throughout the area. Knowing that history shows that the Ancient Minoans, Greece, had all developed major trade routes through the area of Canaan – then there becomes one major problem today, who really controls, and lays claim to the area of Canaan…

The American Government was Patterned After the Ancient Israelite Form of Government – a Republic
AMERICA was put together in the same format as MOSES installed the Israelite Governing Process, from the bottom, to the top, all to be UNDER THE HOUSE OF GOD..
The S.D Legislature much like your City Councils at the local level, are not above the people, it is the other way around, in a true REPUBLIC, which means the PUBLIC THING (The Law) the PEOPLE are above their Government, and the People stand “Under God”.
When the Arch-Angel Lucifer fell from Heaven, it was God’s way of punishing him, because he placed himself ABOVE the House of God, and that upsets the entire apple card.
Under the “true” Israelite Governing Process which was put together by Moses as a True Republic – it went like this:
HOUSE OF GOD (God Spoke through him by means of the Tabernacle)
Moses was the Chosen Leader (Executive);
Aaron became God’s Chosen Public Speaker of the Word of God…
The PEOPLE therefore govern over their Tribal Territories by means of Elected and Appointed Persons called Boards, Committees, and Commissions,
Of which allow the PEOPLE to work through those committees/commissions the process of appointing, and electing the following:
  1. Executive,
  2. Vice Chair (Vice President, Lt. Governor, etc)
  3. Attorney General
  4. Secretary of State
  5. Treasurer,
  6. Auditor
  7. Land Commissioner (Planning, Zoning, Activities)
  8. Public Education Commissioner
***Those Appointed or Elected Persons “act” as the Government Officials Administering and Managing the Government.
Furthermore, the PEOPLE then elect their Tribal Councils, Territorial Legislatures, and a National Legislature.
**Each Level Beneath the one who Created them…
LUCIFERIANS think the opposite, they think of themselves as ABOVE THE LION aka House of God. This would be the Zionist Political Movement, the Global Association of Financiers, World Leaders, etc.
The American State Republics are like the 12 Tribes of Israel – they act as a loose Confederation of Member Tribal People, each with their own government, activities and section of land. They act as the United States, just as the 12 Tribes acted as the Nation of Israel.
In a true Republic is beneath the HOUSE OF GOD to whom is the Supreme Being, the Ultimate Sovereign Authority, to whom delegated to the “People” certain unalienable rights, to which allows them to move freely upon the land, governing over their own activities acting as “Individual Republics” to which act together as a Nation of People Under the House of God.
America was put together exactly the same way, as the People of South Dakota are just one ‘Tribe of Americans” to whom they self govern themselves, but appoint, and elect their national leaders to which ‘act’ as the Nation of States” to which we call ourselves the United States of America.

In 1 Chronicles 17: 1-17 – God literally made a promise to the Tribe of Ephraim that this tribe would one day in the future, plant their seed in a foreign land, to which will allow them to live freely, lay down their founding belief system, grounded in christianity and morality, to which will allow them to live free of religious persecution, and to whom will observe, and watch over, thus uniting the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel, until, the Two Houses of Judah – Pharez and Zarah come back together to form the Nation of Israel again.

The United States of America was founded by the Pilgrims, the Ulster Scots, to whom stood up to the King and Queen, declaring their sovereignty, proclaiming their loyalty to the House of God, taking no allegiance to no King, Queen, Foreign Government, other than to God himself. And it was a former Scotsman, Francis Scot Key, that wrote the words to what became our Anthem.
From the period ending after the Revolutionary Period, 1763-1791, the United States of America have enjoyed mostly a peaceful, and harmonious lifestyle, having no wars on their own soil, but allowing for the migration of other people to come here, thus protecting them from being religiously persecuted for standing up for their own beliefs.
The Confederation of American States have today become New Zion, the place to which the 10 Tribes have come to call home today, while the “Jews of Judah” attempt to rebuild, and establish themselves as the Nation of Israel in the distant future.
Under the House of God – the American People have laid their Foundation, to which to reside by, work by, and congregate by.
In 1871, the Lucerfarians established their “Form of Government, Creating Federal Militarized District, of which formed a Corporate Municipal Government, placing the District of Columbia above the “States’, and above the House of God. They formed a United States Land Company, to which the “D.C State” now controls all commerce, and activities throughout the Territory, and today, the “States’ have become Federal Districts, contracted to this Corporate Government.
Beginning in 2007, the American People began the revolutionary period, of which has led to the Patriot Movement, the Rise of Donald Trump, who sounded the Trumpet, that America was changing from within, attempting to Restore the Republic, as a Nation of People Under the House of God.

Through the Trials of Donald Trump who represents the 50 Republics, and the Investigations of Joe Biden to whom represents the Corporate Municipal Government aka the United States Land Company – have become the Trials and Tribulation of New Zion.

In a true Republic, there can be no Corporate Being, and the People are all Equal Under God, and to be blessed, and given their birthright to lay claim to, to settle, and travel upon the land freely.


Mike Zitterich