I am going on record right now, as I am tired of Mr. Pat Powers throwing good, honest, hard working County and Precinct Committee persons under the table.
Precinct Committee Person’s work for free, are nominated, and elected by the very people on their precincts. They represent the very “Grassroots” movement of the people, for the people.
The Establishment Republicans, those who are supported, and funded heavily by PACS are running scared cause the large # of the 66 counties are beginning to speak out against the agenda of the National and State policies, yet alone against the current status quo of the Republican Party.
I am thankful of being placed in a position to speak for more than 1,000 people of Precinct 5-22, and I have done my best to educate, inform, and represent my neighbors.
My job is to rally, organize the voters in my precinct, help them understand what is going on within the Party. And to help encourage like minded people to run for elected positions as a Republican.
People like Pat Powers constantly attacks county and Precinct people cause they do nit always follow the status quo of the party let alone choose candidates supported by popular opinion of the voters at-large.
Our job is to meet in meetings to discuss. Share, and promote common ideas of the precinct(s), while connecting the people to the legislators, city councilors, party leaders.
Our job is organizing the people under a common theme, agenda, principle.
I have met several hard working, caring, and honest, conservatives at these meetings.  Trust me, they care about S.D and the People of our State.
There is this growing tension between established members vs freedom loving people.
The job of county and Precinct Committees is to hold meetings open to the public to discuss who to support for At-large Reps such as Lt. GOV, A.G, SOS, S.A, S.Treasurer, etc.
The committee members then are sent to conventions to vote for those people.
People like Mr. Pat Powers want us to only support those candidates supported and chosen by the Party itself, not the people.
The party itself does not truly believe in election audits, because they go against everything the party believes in.
The new guard of the Republican Party, those county and Precinct people elected in recent years represent a new Patriot, America First Agenda sprung up over the previous decade (2010-present).
Trust me, when I say this, we the County and Precinct People are bound to the S.D Constitution, the Holy Bible, using both to inject Morals, Values, Ethics, and Self Discipline in the Party today, and that goes for supporting candidates who believe the same.
The current County and Precinct Committees are fully engaged with their neighbors, in tune with positive laws, and support adopting resolutions, initiatives, candidates that support those things.
To Pat Powers, and anyone who continues to bash the county and Precinct people for wanting to change the face of the party and its agenda, I say to them, stop the hate.
If any of you wish to contact me, you may call me at (605) 376-0527 or by email at [email protected]
Stay tuned to my website www.siouxfallscommunitychronicle.com for up news, updates, and history stories.
Mike Zitterich
Precinct 5-22