It looks like county governments were given their marching orders…Former Meade County deputy auditor, Reggie Rhoden, (son of our Lt. Governor and is now the executive director of the SD GOP) threatened a voter who asked questions about election integrity, Lawrence County already came up with excuses as to why the petition to hand count isn’t legal.  Butte County commission held a long “discussion” about why tabulators are best… Then this from Brule county:
I copied/pasted this from a post on FB:
This is from Brule County courthouse post … With the election process starting soon, the big debate around the State is hand counting versus machine tabulation. I have heard through the grapevine that some individuals are going to circulate a petition to hand count Brule County’s votes. I hope that you read this and really think about what you are signing. Why do we want to go backwards and start hand counting votes again. The debate that everyone is concerned about is that the tabulators are hooked to the internet and votes can be changed. This is totally not true. I will show you the machines at any time just stop by the Courthouse and ask in the Auditor’s Office to see the machines.
Starting in 2024 all Auditors will be tabulating our votes with the machines PLUS conducting a Post Election Audit which consists of picking a precinct and hand counting those ballots to compare to the tabulation to prove the accuracy of the machines.
Several tests are done on our tabulators to make sure that they are programmed to count the ballots correctly, stop down and see the tests going on and ask questions.
SD elections are secure!
**My comments: Go to our page on election integrity and read up/watch all we have about this issue.  Visit SD Canvassing’s substack and website and they’ll tell you a totally different story based on research and facts.  Do your own research on this and don’t be gaslit by the government.  Bullying and gaslighting reveals that they have no leg to stand on when it comes to election integrity.