by site admin | Feb 9, 2025 | Opinion Pieces
During a time where we’re receiving a flood of information concerning how our government has been spending our tax dollars while we’re struggling to make ends meet and taxes never stop rising, we see our own Secretary of State prepping to ask the state...
by site admin | Nov 30, 2024 | Bennett, Butte, Opinion Pieces, People In Government, State
Judd Schomp, a former county commissioner, comes on the GovWatch podcast to talk about everything concerning county money management and government transparency. There’s 3 videos to enjoy: “THEY’VE TRAINED US TO NOT ASK QUESTIONS” – JUDD...
by site admin | Dec 30, 2023 | State
An online discussion ensued between a few legislators a few weeks ago, and I decided to jump into the mix of it as a tax paying voter. I asked for legislation that had teeth in order to make a real difference for voters, starting with tax cuts that were more than...
by site admin | Dec 29, 2023 | State
The South Dakota Searchlight wrote a great article highlighting how our Governor uses our tax dollars…. I’m growing more and more fed up with “economic development”……it’s a total waste of tax payer dollars. Check out this...