

Thanks to a bunch of help from people involved in our South Dakota politics, therefore having a ton more knowledge and experience than me, I learned of certain political connections that have left me concerned and questioning what the ulterior motives are behind the use of these connections at the local level.
Today, we’re discussing how a robocall concerning our 4th Circuit Judge race came from a Super PAC based in Georgia called Stand for Freedom. From what I understand, the heads of Stand for Freedom aren’t directly involved or aware of this robocall, and Stand for Freedom supports candidates like Marjorie Taylor Greene and other America First, patriotic people in government. So overall, Stand for Freedom seems to be the type of Super Pac that crazy patriotic people like myself are glad exists.

The series of events on the day before election day and on election day seem to be that voters across the region got a robocall, informing them that we deserve a judge who has a record of trust and experience, and that judge is NOT David Natvig.  On election day, other people got a text saying the same thing, but with no source as to WHO sent it or who paid for it (which, if I’m correct, is illegal to not say who paid for such ads/robocalls/texts).  The context of these robocalls and texts is the main issue, because the information in them is proven to be a 100% total lie, which we proved in a video we did showing what we discovered about that.

Here’s the transcript of the robocall:

“I’m calling on behalf of the Stand for Freedom PAC with an important election message. Tomorrow is election day. South Dakotan’s deserve a judge they can trust sitting on the bench for the 4th circuit court. That’s not David Natvig. David Natvig was removed from the Attorney General’s office in June, and was involved in the Ravnsborg hit and run cover-up. If we can’t trust David Natvig in the Attorney General’s office, how can we trust him presiding over the 4th circuit? When you cast your ballot tomorrow, make sure to vote no on David Natvig for 4th circuit judge.  Stand for Freedom PAC is responsible for the content of this advertisement, and is not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Call back number 605-627-8875.” 

One person I know who recorded this robocall sent me the recording, and another sleuth called Stand for Freedom and, in a nutshell, asked: WTH are you doing involving yourselves in our local judge race?! And that’s when we discovered the heads of the PAC didn’t even know, and said it was paid for by a fund that was earmarked for a specific use but they didn’t know anything else about it beyond that. So, I say all that to make it clear that I’m not in any way saying Stand for Freedom themselves got involved in our local Judge race.  It seems, instead, that a candidate they currently support is where the connection exists, and they just didn’t do enough oversight to see exactly where their money is going or how it’s being used (Hopefully our instincts and information is right on that! I was told Stand for Freedom is investigating it on their end).

So, this leads us to our first connection: Joe Kent. Joe Kent is a republican from Washington that is supported by the Stand for Freedom Super PAC, shown in the link:  stand-for-freedom-pac-website-page-helping-joe-kent (1)

At first glance, I appreciate the goals these candidates wish to accomplish for our country and they seem to be on the right track, in my opinion.

Joe Kent endorsed a local man named Ron Moeller for SD senate as seen in this link:  joe-kent-endorses-ron-moeller.  Honestly, Moeller’s endorsements really impress me because…General Flynn!? Hello….If I didn’t know anything else about Moeller beyond his endorsements, I would’ve been a total supporter.

Who is Ron Moeller? Well, he’s war veteran and involved in local politics.  He also wrote the 3 letters to the editor for the Black Hills Pioneer giving his opinion on the top three 4th Circuit Judge candidates: one on Callahan, one on Fitzgerald, and one on Natvig. The article he wrote on Callahan seemed fairly balanced and referenced the same articles my husband and I referenced in our research on Callahan’s record as a Magistrate judge.  He made it apparent that he wasn’t a fan of Callahan, but also had the evidence to prove why he felt that way.  With Fitzgerald, he wrote the article in such a way that the reader could’ve left with the impression that Fitzgerald was second only to Jesus Himself when it came to morals, values and ethics. Then there’s his article about Natvig.  I asked him for his sources used for this article and instead of giving me a list, he said it was all public record.  Here’s the short article he wrote on Natvig:

From last Tuesday’s (18 October) Black Hills Pioneer Letters to the Editor:
The Race for the Fourth Circuit Judgeship (Part II)
Voters are being asked to select one of five candidates for Position D of the Fourth Circuit Court of South Dakota. Three of the candidates (David Natvig, John Fitzgerald, and Chad Callahan) deserve our special attention. This is my second in a series of three letters.
Today we’ll discuss former Director of the Department of Criminal Investigation (DCI) David Natvig who does not deserve your vote. Let’s be completely honest here. He is totally beholden to the disgraced, impeached, and forbidden to ever hold public office again former Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg.
For those of you with short memories, Ravnsborg, then our state’s chief law enforcement officer, killed a man and then tried to cover it up. Assisting him in his efforts to avoid taking responsibility was his DCI Natvig. His subpoenaed testimony was less then forthcoming as he tried to protect his political patron.
Ravnsborg, his political patron, is now imposing Natvig on us as a judicial candidate. Why? Most likely in a poorly concealed attempt to continue to influence South Dakota politics, despite his ban.
How can we trust someone to sit on the bench and render independent judgements when he owes his allegiance to someone other than the people of the Fourth Circuit?
David Natvig does not deserve your vote.
  I did a lot of digging about this whole issue with Natvig and the Ravnsborg case, and so far, I have yet to discover how anything in Moeller’s article is true.  I directly asked him to send me the sources to prove what he wrote about Natvig in his article and he didn’t respond.  Does anyone else think this article seems a bit similar to the robocall?  Anyway, moving on…

    Not only did Ron write those three articles, I discovered an interesting connection of his that leads us more directly to the 4th Circuit Judge Race:



District 31 State Representative, Mary Fitzgerald
(Pictures found on her campaign FB page, Ron is the gray-haired/moustache man in these pictures)
SO: Ron seems to be political playmates with the wife of the Lawrence County State’s Attorney, John Fitzgerald, who ran in the 4th circuit judge race against Natvig, and who also was endorsed by a candidate who is supported by a Super PAC that paid for the robocall and text that sounds eerily similar to the article Moeller wrote about Natvig.
This is what is so disheartening to me: All of these people are supposedly conservative republicans who wish to serve the people of South Dakota by running for public office. Their endorsements and issues they run on seem to prove they truly are on board for serving the people and putting us first before political agendas. However, the closer I became to this group of people due to my political FB group and allowing posts by various citizens in opposition to their candidate, the more I saw their true colors and made me wonder if I was dealing with true conservatives or RINOs who just know what slogans to scream (“I’m pro life!” “I’m against spending!” “I’m not for marijuana!”) all for the sole purpose to gain votes and reputation.  Mary Fitzgerald personally messaged me in attempts to bully me into removing a post she didn’t like about John, her husband. (I have the screenshots of the conversation, let me know if you want to see them).  Even though she is a public official, she seemed to not be aware of or care about a voter’s First Amendment rights to criticize public officials, and she had every intention of suppressing any negative posts about her husband’s 4th circuit campaign.  She tried that tactic again after I posted screenshots sent to me of a reply mailed to the person who submitted a complaint to the Judicial Committee about Fitzgerald’s not holding to the code or rules concerning campaigning for a judgeship, which included major issues with how pictures were posted of him with the sheriff-elect for Meade County.  As soon as I shared another picture posted on his campaign FB page of him with Marty Jackley, I lost access to Fitzgerald’s campaign page and then the page was completely taken off of FB all together (now I know it was due to that complaint).
A third meager attempt to another group member occurred by her after this group member posted about the Supreme Court finding Fitzgerald to have committed prosecutorial misconduct in a recent case.
Now, it looks to me like Moeller pulled out all the stops to assist his political playmate, Mary Fitzgerald, in her goal of winning the 4th Circuit Judgeship for her husband, no matter the cost.  Did Moeller go so far as to call in a favor from Joe Kent and have the Super PAC Kent is supported by to pay for these robocalls and texts? How well do any of these political candidates know each other? Would Joe Kent and General Flynn endorse Moeller if they knew how he behaved over the 4th Circuit Judge race: spreading outright lies about a fellow military veteran and abusing connections of his in order to get robocalls and texts sent out on election day to steal votes by these lies?  How does Stand for Freedom Super PAC feel about that? If Marjorie Taylor Greene (supported by Stand for Freedom) knew about this kind of behavior by a fellow Stand for Freedom candidate, would she vocally support this kind of behavior by a “conservative”?

Instead of campaigning with class and integrity, as I expect from fellow conservatives, I experienced and witnessed dirty political games with a “win at all cost” mentality by the Fitzgeralds and their political playmate, Ron Moeller.  Aren’t we supposed to be on the same team? Isn’t there some level of mutual respect among military veterans? Isn’t there a certain posturing of conservative public officials toward their constituents that shows they know we’re the boss and they’re ready to earn our respect and trust and serve us? If so, why was I treated with contempt by Mary Fitzgerald? What’s with this “elitist” attitude so many public officials hold towards the very tax payers they serve?

Why are the Fitzgeralds so afraid of Natvig to do all they did for this Judge race, even going so far as to lie to voters on election day?

I’m sad to say it, but it looks like there’s a lot more RINOs in South Dakota politics than I thought, from the local level all the way up to Pierre. So, I’ll repeat it here: my fellow South Dakotans, YOU hold the power to change this by speaking up and holding our government officials accountable and ensuring they follow through on the promises made during their campaign.  It all starts with YOU.

Speak up. Pray up.

Love y’all!